Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Bryson's blessing

Let's just gloss over the fact that I am getting this up nearly a month late. And also that I have approximately 2 pictures from the blessing day. We were just having too much fun to take pictures.

Bryson was blessed on September 1st. In our church, we give babies blessings in which they state the name that they will be known on the records of the church and a personal blessing for their lives. Any worthy priesthood holder that we invite can stand in the circle to bless him. Basically it's a welcome to the world  and have a happy life blessing. Plus there's usually a gathering after at the parents house with food. ArJay did a beautiful job giving Bryson a name and blessing, even though he was nervous. I am constantly amazed at the strength and righteousness that ArJay leads our family with. I couldn't ask for a kinder, more considerate and fun father for my children and husband.

We had a large crew with us. Both sets of grandparents my great grandparents and my Aunt, my brother, both ArJay's sisters and their families, and the 2 family friends that are like family to the Gamble's( the Beam's and Greenwood's). The reason for the lack of pictures is that obviously a lot of ruckus and fun was had by all when that many people got together. It was a blast and we couldn't be happier to celebrate this sweet little baby to our family and are so glad so many of our family and friends could celebrate with us.
HE's wearing ArJay's blessing outfit. Kendall wore it too, both boys were MUCH bigger than baby ArJay, but whatever it's sentimental

Always giving the loves. Yes she is wearing different clothes. This may or may not have been a couple days later because we didn't actually get a shot on the blessing day. Don't judge me

So HAppy for the blessing boy!
My grandparents with the blessing boy
This is a sweet candid on blessing day, love that face!
The day after, sending grandma, grandpa and Aunt Jodi off with lunch at Fuddruckers. Kendall is saying prayer with my brother

Aunt Jodi and the chunk

We're super classy in this family

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