Do you ever feel like time is going on fast forward? I was driving Bryson to his 2 week appointment yesterday after picking up Alianna from her first day of school and had this profound moment. I vividly remembered taking Alianna to the 2 week appointment. She had been spitting up like crazy ( found out it was severe reflux) and had NOT slept the night before. My mom ( who was a god send) had gone back home and ArJay had gone back to work the week before and I remember thinking there was no way I could do this on my own. When did moms take showers? or go to the grocery store? I can't do any of those things with an infant. HA! Just last week, I happily dropped the kids and ArJay at swim lessons and went to the grocery store with " just a baby". Best time I've ever had at the grocery store. Anyways, I was contemplating how fast time goes and how much my perspective has changed in the nearly 5 years I've been a mother and I thought about this song from Big! the musical and pulled it up on itunes:
Two months old, he looks up at you
How his smile melts your heart
You want to say, "Stop, time"
Don't move on
Even as you watch that look is gone
Then he's two, such a little man
So alive and so smart
Again you say, "Stop, time"
Stay just this way
But the future comes and he can't stay
Nobody warns you of this parent's paradox
You want your kid to change and grow
But when he does, another child you've just begun to know
Leaves forever
Birthdays fly - 7, 8, 9, 10
Every kid he becomes you clutch and say "Stop, time"
Hold this one fast
But it's not supposed to last
And that time has come and passed
For he's growing
And he has to go
KILL.ME.NOW. Not a good song to listen to while driving. I nearly had to pull over my eyes were so blurred with tears Yeah, remember how I HAVE a 2 week old baby and a 2 year old son? Horrid timing Magdelyn.
So I'm sitting there thinking how amazing my children are and how blessed I am to be their mother and I felt this overwhelming sense of ..guilt. See here's the thing, I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom. I always said, I only get 5 uninterrupted years with them at home, I'm going to enjoy them. And I have enjoyed them, really. But it has also been unbelievably hard, lonely, frustrating, tiring( what I wouldn't do for a nap!) and humbling to be a stay at home mom. Yes I said lonely. That's the one that really shocked me, that you can be surrounded by screaming banshee children and feel alone. Maybe it's just ArJay's crazy work schedule, but I don't think so. I think a lot of stay at home moms feel this way because I have seen that same look in their eyes when we have playgroups. The I'd-give-up-chocolate-for-a-year-to-have-an-adult-conversation-that-doesn't revolve-around-baby-births-or-my-children's-poop look. That's the real reason we have play groups folks, it's not for our children, sometimes it's for our own sanity. So I'm thinking of how many times I have counted down hours and minutes until naptime or playgroup or any dang activity that gets us out of the house and out from under each other in the last 5 years, and I felt shamed. Like I am the worst, most selfish mother because I didn't enjoy every second of having my daughter home and now she's "leaving me". (I had a melt down and stated how she was leaving and Arjay looked at me like I was crazy and said" she's not going to college or getting married" Men!) And I mourned the loss of my sweet little baby girl and, like that song says, the child I had just begun to know was gone forever. And I desperately wanted to just freeze time. To go home and say " OK, that's it. nobody is allowed to grow for 3 more years. I need to enjoy you more" Because maybe I missed something, and I can't miss anymore.
But I realized something else, I'm not perfect. I never well be ( yes ArJay I said it!) So I'm never going to be the perfect mom. But I'm still Alianna's perfect mom, and Kendall's, and Bryson's. Nobody knows or loves those kids like I do. Nobody knows exactly how to get them to sleep, or speaks Kendall-ese half as fluently as I do, or knows just what to say to calm them down or heal her "hurt heart", or what Bryson's cries mean, or what Alianna's favorite princess is or Kendall's favorite game. Nobody else gets the sweet " I love you Mommy" or a chubby little toddler hand as you cross tehs treet or a sweet little girl randomly coming out of the play room and wanting a "cubddle" and sweet slobbery toddler kisses. So maybe I didn't miss it and maybe I'm not the worst mom in the history of Moms. Maybe it's ok if we don't stop time, but I'd be ok with pausing it for a few weeks..or months so I can snuggle these cute little cheeks
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Bryson's two week check up
Yikes! time has been going way too fast! How has it already been 2 weeks! Bryson has grown astronomically. At birth he was 20 inches and 8 lbs 6 oz. At the 2 week check up, he is 21.5 inches and 9 lb 13 oz. Crazy! Our pediatrician asked 3 times if he is only get breast feed. She then informed me I could teach a class.
He is still a very sweet, snuggly baby. Last week he had a couple nights where he woke up every hour and a half to two hours. That was not soo fun and I remembered why I usually am not soo fond of this newborn stage when you feel like a zombie and would poke out your own eye for some sleep. Luckily he cut that crap out( I'm sure he was having a growth spurt) and has been perfect ever since.
He is still a very sweet, snuggly baby. Last week he had a couple nights where he woke up every hour and a half to two hours. That was not soo fun and I remembered why I usually am not soo fond of this newborn stage when you feel like a zombie and would poke out your own eye for some sleep. Luckily he cut that crap out( I'm sure he was having a growth spurt) and has been perfect ever since.
Big boy!! |
Alianna's first day of School
How did I get from this:
to this:
Alianna started school today. She is doing a homeschool at Sister Broderick's house. I don't really know what to classify it as. It is technically kindergarten, but her birthday is November, so when we move to Benson or Sierra Vista or who-knows-where next year, she will have to do kindergarten again. Maybe we'll call it Pre-K? What ever it is, I'm not ready for it.
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Alianna 4 days old |
First day of School July 15, 2013 |
It wouldn't be our life if we didn't have a funny story....The kids "slept in" to 7 am. I ran around like a mad woman for the next hour. I was bound and determined to be on time for 8 am school start, especially since it is 4 minutes away. So I feed the kiddos, nursed Bryson, fixed a snack and even fixed Alianna's hair and we were out the door right on time. We pull up to her house and there were no other cars. We knocked anyways, thinking maybe everyone is early and we shouldn't show up right on time. There is no answer for a few minutes and I'm just about to leave and make sure I have the right address when Kristi comes and peeks out the door. She says she's not even fully dressed because we don't start until 8:30. She invites us in, but I sheepishly mutter something about how we'll be back in half an hour and I'm soo sorry. Well done Maggie. Great way to start the year. I'm going to blame it on" new baby mommy brain damage". I told ArJay this as he laughed at me when we came back. He asked if that'a a real medical condition. I think it should be. In fact, I'm going to put it in wikipedia and then the world will see the truth. ArJay also asked if this was like pregnancy and you can use it to explain any problems that arise. Now he's getting it....
Alianna loved school. The first thing she asked as we got in the car was when she can come back to school. She then informed me that " in this school they don't play, not like in my last one where we had lots of play time. We just learn here." She also proceeded to tell me exactly how they can earn brownie points, what treasure box is, and who got which folder. These are the important things in life folks.
This little guy
had a lot of fun with just Mom and dad to himself. But he sure missed his "sizzer" and attacked her as soon as she came in the door
I think school will be great for them. They have been bothering each other quite a bit lately but really they are best friends.
I think time away to do their own things will help them remember how much they love each other. After school yesterday, they played their new favorite game "babysit my baby".
Cracks me up! Kendall even buckles himself in the bouncer and does exactly what his "sizzer" tells him. I told her to enjoy it, that won't last long.
All in all, I'd say school was a success and am so proud of our smart little girl. I just wish she'd stay my little girl longer...
you were gone FOREVER!! |
Best Friends |
I think time away to do their own things will help them remember how much they love each other. After school yesterday, they played their new favorite game "babysit my baby".
I think I should be concerned that Alianna thinks this is what Mommies look like |
All in all, I'd say school was a success and am so proud of our smart little girl. I just wish she'd stay my little girl longer...
Friday, July 12, 2013
Note to self: DO NOT attempt to drive to phoenix by yourself with 3 small children a week and a half after having a baby
So ArJay is a huge Diamondback( that's the Phoenix major league baseball team) fan. Like we-had-season-tickets-a-couple-of-years-ago huge. HE also grew up a huge LA Dodger fan. His earliest memory is being like 3 and arguing with an opposing team fan that Dodger's are the best. So when the Dodger's came to town this last week and Arjay asked, no begged on his knee,s if we could PLEASE go to a game since he is actually off work still from having the baby and can go what could I say?? Being the kind, considerate, awesome, amazing, unselfish wife that I am ( ahem ahem), I said yes. His dad was in Tucson on Monday so, again, because I am amazing, I let him go up with his dad so just the two of them could go to the Tuesday game and we would come up for the Wednesday game. I have taken the two kids to Phoenix by myself plenty of times and even to Alamogordo, which is 5 hours away. I thought "self, you can do this. It's just one more kid, an infant even, those are very portable. Besides, you'll have to figure out 3 kids eventually, why not on a fun little road trip to Phoenix when the baby is only a week and a half" Yes, you can feel free to laugh at me now...
So Wednesday morning I met my mom at swim lessons; obviously I wasn't doing those yet with Kendall that's ridiculous. But somehow in my mind, driving to Phoenix was mommy brain damage perhaps... After their swim lessons I had clothes for them and mom waved us off on our merry way at 10 am, although she seemed somewhat timid about it( rightfully so). We were barely hitting Marana ( 30-40 minutes down the road) and all three were in melt down mode. Apparently, their stomachs were all shrunken and they would die if they did not eat right that second. NO worries, we'll just stop at this McDonald's real quick and I'll nurse Bryson while the other two eat in the car and be on our way.
One hour later we finally pull out of the parking-lot-that-shall-not-be named. Kendall is now shirtless because he spilled his entire red fruit punch on himself and Alianna is without pants or panties and trying to remove her shirt because she is "so hot". Apparently we are going to a nudist colony instead of the dbacks game.. I missed the memo.
Another 30 minutes down the road Alianna has taken to chanting " shortcut, shortcut, short cut" ( like I really want to take the long way with this brood). Kendall is tired and irritable so he has decided to yell" NO short cut! NO shortcut" Naturally, all the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth wakes up the baby who wants to eat again. Alianna informs me that she has "fixed him" and is letting him eat her finger instead of Mommy. Classic. Miraculously, it works and Bryson goes back to sleep. At some point in this mayhem, Kendall gives up and goes to sleep.
Another 30 minutes down the road ArJay has called to ask why the heck I'm not there yet. I inform him that I am looking for the camera on the front windshield because I must be on some bad family sitcom right now. He hangs up laughing at me. The nerve....
Immediately after this phone call a tumbleweed literally the size of my van comes right at me( I'm serious about that size. I know I use literally incorrectly a lot, but this thing was a beast) Of Course I am surrounded by 18 wheelers and can't get out of the way of the monster tumbleweed of doom. I swerve a little, still in my lane, but that wakes up Kendall and Bryson and I still get the full force of the Tumbleweed( which we learned as we drove home at midnight that night, pulled our bumper off so it was barely hanging on all the way home from phoenix in a crazy thunderstorm. Awesome)
Alianna then informs me that Bryson has blown out his diaper into his carseat and Kendall smells poopy too.OH what fresh He** is this....
We finally limp into Lacey's drive way 4 hours after leaving Tucson( this is usually a 2 hour trip). I inform ArJay that I quit today and these are now his children for the reminder of the day. IF he would like to leave a message with me, I will get back to him tomorrow.
Luckily the game was fun and the kids got the autograph of the mascot "Baxter" which they love. Kendall still carries the autograph around from his "monster" ( he's supposed to be a bobcat or something). Good thing they are cute and worth it, I just hope they realize how awesome their mom is someday....
So Wednesday morning I met my mom at swim lessons; obviously I wasn't doing those yet with Kendall that's ridiculous. But somehow in my mind, driving to Phoenix was mommy brain damage perhaps... After their swim lessons I had clothes for them and mom waved us off on our merry way at 10 am, although she seemed somewhat timid about it( rightfully so). We were barely hitting Marana ( 30-40 minutes down the road) and all three were in melt down mode. Apparently, their stomachs were all shrunken and they would die if they did not eat right that second. NO worries, we'll just stop at this McDonald's real quick and I'll nurse Bryson while the other two eat in the car and be on our way.
One hour later we finally pull out of the parking-lot-that-shall-not-be named. Kendall is now shirtless because he spilled his entire red fruit punch on himself and Alianna is without pants or panties and trying to remove her shirt because she is "so hot". Apparently we are going to a nudist colony instead of the dbacks game.. I missed the memo.
Another 30 minutes down the road Alianna has taken to chanting " shortcut, shortcut, short cut" ( like I really want to take the long way with this brood). Kendall is tired and irritable so he has decided to yell" NO short cut! NO shortcut" Naturally, all the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth wakes up the baby who wants to eat again. Alianna informs me that she has "fixed him" and is letting him eat her finger instead of Mommy. Classic. Miraculously, it works and Bryson goes back to sleep. At some point in this mayhem, Kendall gives up and goes to sleep.
Another 30 minutes down the road ArJay has called to ask why the heck I'm not there yet. I inform him that I am looking for the camera on the front windshield because I must be on some bad family sitcom right now. He hangs up laughing at me. The nerve....
Immediately after this phone call a tumbleweed literally the size of my van comes right at me( I'm serious about that size. I know I use literally incorrectly a lot, but this thing was a beast) Of Course I am surrounded by 18 wheelers and can't get out of the way of the monster tumbleweed of doom. I swerve a little, still in my lane, but that wakes up Kendall and Bryson and I still get the full force of the Tumbleweed( which we learned as we drove home at midnight that night, pulled our bumper off so it was barely hanging on all the way home from phoenix in a crazy thunderstorm. Awesome)
Alianna then informs me that Bryson has blown out his diaper into his carseat and Kendall smells poopy too.OH what fresh He** is this....
We finally limp into Lacey's drive way 4 hours after leaving Tucson( this is usually a 2 hour trip). I inform ArJay that I quit today and these are now his children for the reminder of the day. IF he would like to leave a message with me, I will get back to him tomorrow.
Luckily the game was fun and the kids got the autograph of the mascot "Baxter" which they love. Kendall still carries the autograph around from his "monster" ( he's supposed to be a bobcat or something). Good thing they are cute and worth it, I just hope they realize how awesome their mom is someday....
getting the autograph |
So excited |
Kendall didn't want "the monster" to touch him, just sign his paper |
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Love that face!! |
our Family of five... 2 weeks later
Well, we have made it two weeks, and ArJay started back to work today. I think we will survive.
Oh man, if all my babies were this good, I would have 10! He is the most content little snuggle bug. He goes to bed at 9 then wakes up at 1 am and 5 am to eat, then right back to sleep. HE wakes up at 6:30-7 am but I'm sure that's only because this happens:
He is such a snuggly baby, my other two were super active even as newborns. But this little guy tucks his little legs into you and burrows in for the long haul. I admit, I was quite nervous about the 3rd baby, I heard lots of horror stories right before he was born. Then again, Arjay just went back to work today so I might be singing a different tune now that I am going solo. Ask me again next week.
This little stinker still knows just how cute hi is and uses it to his advantage. Just last night he curled up into me and said" just wanna hold you mama". Besides being a little more emotianal ( this is code for a coupole ridiculous drama queen-esque tantrums for no good reason for those of you without toddlers at home) he has adjusted
well to a baby brother. He is very intrigued by "baby brother Bryson" as he calls him and especially his "snake" ( that's an umbilical cord for those of you who don't speak Kendall)
He has recently become quite the little parrot repeating EVERYTHING we say in that cute little toddler voice of his. We joke that he could get a job as a parrot to any pirates who are missing their birds. A couple of days ago, Arjay's dad was changing clothes and Kendall kept telling him in a stern voice" Popa get your shirt together"...except he didn't enunciate the R in "shirt" . Re-read that again in your head without the r and you will see why this little guy constantly has us in stitches.
This little girl is the perfect big sister, super helpful. I feel bad for her sometimes. I'm sure there's only so many times I can tell her " I can't play with you til I finish feeding Bryson" or " can you get me a diaper/wipes/ shirt?" or "can you throw away this diaper?" before it gets real old for her. She's so stinking smart and I wish she could go to school this year, but she doesn't turn 5 until November. Luckily I posted about the dilemma on facebook ( what did we ever do before facebook?) and this sweet lady in our ward that the Gamble's have know for like 15 years stopped me on Sunday and said she does a home school at her house which is literally a 5 minute walk from our house. SCORE! She does the Vail school schedule so she starts on Monday and will go Monday Tuesday and Wednesday fro 8-11:15am. Alianna and I, being the only girls in our house, decided starting school necessitates a shopping trip. So we took Bryson to his newborn screening and hit up Kohl's. They were having a monster summer clearance, jeans were $5, shirts were $3-5. WE scored big time.
Then, as any good girl shopping trip ends, we went to lunch and the shoe store. Yesterday was ArJay's last day off so he had a father daughter date with her and they went to see Despicable ME 2 and got frozen yogurt at one of those places were you pick your own toppings. This is what happens when daddy helps pick toppings.
ME: I am doing much better than I expected. It's probably because I'm getting more sleep now then I did at the end of my pregnancy.;) Also, I've been spoiled with ArJay getting two weeks off this time. But mainly I think it's because I've found the best weight loss secret... have a baby. My bishop teased me on sunday at how much thinner I looked and I said" yeah I lost 20 lbs this week". I'ms sure when I actually start running again, I will REALLY notice those 15 lbs still to go, but right now, it's just nice not to waddle everywhere. Funny side note, I noticed I was wearing the same outfit today as the day I went to the hospital, one of these things is not like the other....
ArJay is loving that Bryson actually looks like him. He jokes that he can be sure that at least this one is his. But honestly, he has been so incredible this time. He asked me when I was saying thank you for being so helpful " was I not before?" I told him that he was always helpful, but he is just more intuitive and supportive this time. He gets it more now then he did when we were young and naive with our first baby and even with the second. Right after I had Bryson and my legs were still mostly numb, he helped the nurse get me in the bathroom for the first time and sat and made sure I didn't fall in( because let's be honest, I would totally do something like that) and basically carried me back to the bed after. That's true love right there! He would have been totally grossed out the first time with all the blood and gore but he was just sweet and concerned about me this time.
I will end with our 4th of July activities. My mom and dad came out with $40 worth of fireworks and sparklers because there's no restriction out here in Vail. Yes that did go as badly as you'd expect with a 2 and 4 year old. Kendall was a menace. This first video, Kendall literally put a still lit sparkler on his arm.
He also chased Alianna with a sparkler and was swinging it around saying" It's an ADVENTURE!!" We learned to give him a wide berth.
OH and he lit the grass on fire that is coming up between the cracks in the patio. Classic.
So here's to the first 2 weeks, if the house doesn't burn down today, we might just survive!
First bath: July 5th one week old |
Oh man, if all my babies were this good, I would have 10! He is the most content little snuggle bug. He goes to bed at 9 then wakes up at 1 am and 5 am to eat, then right back to sleep. HE wakes up at 6:30-7 am but I'm sure that's only because this happens:
This little stinker still knows just how cute hi is and uses it to his advantage. Just last night he curled up into me and said" just wanna hold you mama". Besides being a little more emotianal ( this is code for a coupole ridiculous drama queen-esque tantrums for no good reason for those of you without toddlers at home) he has adjusted
well to a baby brother. He is very intrigued by "baby brother Bryson" as he calls him and especially his "snake" ( that's an umbilical cord for those of you who don't speak Kendall)
He has recently become quite the little parrot repeating EVERYTHING we say in that cute little toddler voice of his. We joke that he could get a job as a parrot to any pirates who are missing their birds. A couple of days ago, Arjay's dad was changing clothes and Kendall kept telling him in a stern voice" Popa get your shirt together"...except he didn't enunciate the R in "shirt" . Re-read that again in your head without the r and you will see why this little guy constantly has us in stitches.
This little girl is the perfect big sister, super helpful. I feel bad for her sometimes. I'm sure there's only so many times I can tell her " I can't play with you til I finish feeding Bryson" or " can you get me a diaper/wipes/ shirt?" or "can you throw away this diaper?" before it gets real old for her. She's so stinking smart and I wish she could go to school this year, but she doesn't turn 5 until November. Luckily I posted about the dilemma on facebook ( what did we ever do before facebook?) and this sweet lady in our ward that the Gamble's have know for like 15 years stopped me on Sunday and said she does a home school at her house which is literally a 5 minute walk from our house. SCORE! She does the Vail school schedule so she starts on Monday and will go Monday Tuesday and Wednesday fro 8-11:15am. Alianna and I, being the only girls in our house, decided starting school necessitates a shopping trip. So we took Bryson to his newborn screening and hit up Kohl's. They were having a monster summer clearance, jeans were $5, shirts were $3-5. WE scored big time.
Look at that haul! |
Then, as any good girl shopping trip ends, we went to lunch and the shoe store. Yesterday was ArJay's last day off so he had a father daughter date with her and they went to see Despicable ME 2 and got frozen yogurt at one of those places were you pick your own toppings. This is what happens when daddy helps pick toppings.
ME: I am doing much better than I expected. It's probably because I'm getting more sleep now then I did at the end of my pregnancy.;) Also, I've been spoiled with ArJay getting two weeks off this time. But mainly I think it's because I've found the best weight loss secret... have a baby. My bishop teased me on sunday at how much thinner I looked and I said" yeah I lost 20 lbs this week". I'ms sure when I actually start running again, I will REALLY notice those 15 lbs still to go, but right now, it's just nice not to waddle everywhere. Funny side note, I noticed I was wearing the same outfit today as the day I went to the hospital, one of these things is not like the other....
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39 weeks 5 days |
1 and 1/2 weeks after birth |
ArJay is loving that Bryson actually looks like him. He jokes that he can be sure that at least this one is his. But honestly, he has been so incredible this time. He asked me when I was saying thank you for being so helpful " was I not before?" I told him that he was always helpful, but he is just more intuitive and supportive this time. He gets it more now then he did when we were young and naive with our first baby and even with the second. Right after I had Bryson and my legs were still mostly numb, he helped the nurse get me in the bathroom for the first time and sat and made sure I didn't fall in( because let's be honest, I would totally do something like that) and basically carried me back to the bed after. That's true love right there! He would have been totally grossed out the first time with all the blood and gore but he was just sweet and concerned about me this time.
I will end with our 4th of July activities. My mom and dad came out with $40 worth of fireworks and sparklers because there's no restriction out here in Vail. Yes that did go as badly as you'd expect with a 2 and 4 year old. Kendall was a menace. This first video, Kendall literally put a still lit sparkler on his arm.
He also chased Alianna with a sparkler and was swinging it around saying" It's an ADVENTURE!!" We learned to give him a wide berth.
OH and he lit the grass on fire that is coming up between the cracks in the patio. Classic.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Bryson's birth Story
10 pm Thursday June 27th: We checked into the hospital and did the half hour "tell me ever single incident in your life" admission questionnaire. I asked the nurse what you do when somebody comes in in very active labor. Since I've always been induced I have all the time in the world to answer this stuff, but I'm pretty sure they aren't going to appreciate you asking their whole family's medical history while trying to push out a baby. Apparently they just ask you after you have the baby, which seems counterproductive to me since you've already had the baby so it's to late to stop blood clots if you have a history of that after giving birth. I think they should send you the questionnaire before you go in so you can fill it out and return at your leisure. But I digress....
11pm FINALLY finish the questions and get the first dose of Cytotek. It's a little drink that just tastes like water but is supposed to make you crampy and dilate more throughout the night so I could start the pitocin in the morning. Oh and you take it every 2 hours. Lovely. Doesn't that sound like how I want to spend the night before giving birth? I did it with Kendall, so I knew what was coming and asked for the ambien to get some sleep.
11:30 pm my sweet British nurse finally leaves after checking me and says I'm still at a "loose 3 and 50-60% effaced" Side note: she was really cute and said things really funny " I'm going to just pop this on" and asked if I had taken my "VIT-a-MENs" but she was not so gentle. Arjay and I nicknamed her "knuckles".
1am and 3 am woken up to take the doses and contracted for half an hour after each dose before going back to sleep.
4;30am woke up and was not going back to sleep. Laid there in the dark and had a profound moment of calm that everything would be fine and how blessed I was to go thru labor again. Sounds like I needed a one way ticket to crazy town, but honestly I had been so miserable and had a hard pregnancy that I just thought" geez I don't have to be pregnant tonight when I try to sleep. Wahoo!" Also it hit me that you really only get to do this whole labor and birth thing a couple times in your entire life and some women never do and how blessed I was to get to give birth to my son.
5:30am Nurse comes in and starts my IV. I seriously hate that part, I had hypothryoidism in high school and have had my blood drawn more times than I can count, but I've only had IV's the 3 times I've had a baby and it seriously wigs me out.I sit there and do deep breathing and give my poor nurses death stares as they do it.
6 am She starts my pitocin after checking my and saying i'm "almost a 4 but more effaced" Do the nurses seriously think we don't know when they are just making crap up to make you feel better when the honest truth would be " nothing changed" ;)
7:30 am my sweet doctor comes in to break my water. I have been having very regular contractions but when she checks she just says loose 4. I love Dr Hutchison, she and I have bonded over running. She actually signed up for a half marathon after I told her I was still running when pregnant ( at least she told me that why she did it and I like to imagine I am capable of inspiring people). So she sits there and talks to me for a few minutes because we're friends like that and says that her husband has a sick patient and they might not get to leave for their 2 week vacation the next day. LAME! That is the reason I was there to be induced. Of course I was sorry for her, but also for me. ( she did end up going luckily and I didn't feel like I got induced for nothing)
8 am My new nurse ( who is super peppy and we later discovered was in fact a cheerleader) sees very regular contractions and asks if I would like an epidural. I said I don't know, can I be on the tentative list. It was a very busy morning so she got us at the top of the list right after the c section.
8-10am She keeps coming and asking if I want the epidural and I keep pushing it back and letting other women get jump ahead of me even though I'm starting to have super painful contractions. She was awesome and sat down and was like" ok do you think you really want one or not? Because if you're going to have one then you shouldn't put yourself thru any more pain because you're going to make it stop anyways. If not, that's great but we need to get you up and doing things." And my dear husband who knows me so well says" You're not being a wimp if you get one. I know you think you are, but you're not. Everyone does labor how they need to do it." See I've had it in my head somehow that I was not as much of a woman, or not strong enough, or something if I didn't do a labor without an epidural. The problem is, we mommies get together and always have to swap "war stories" as I call them and sometimes I feel like "geez she is way stronger then me, I'm such a pansy, why didn't I do that". But I remember having this discussion with one friend who said " the pioneers had babies out on the plains" But I thought "well that's why I wasn't a pioneer, the Lord only gives you what you can handle and so he put me in the modern medicine time." She waxed poetic for a while about how if they could do it we could too and if we didn't we were just vain and selfish. To that I said" they also didn't have electricity, but don't you think if they had an option to make life and labor easier on themselves they would have?" See the truth, I've come to realize, is that you don't get higher level "Mommy badges" based on how long or painful or how much pain meds you use. In the end, we all get the same "badge", a beautiful baby. Going thru labor is really the perfect start for being a mom, you do what it best for you and your kids. It might not be what works for other moms and you might shudder at the thought of how they do it, but you just do the best you can and the Lord makes up the difference. All that is just my opinionated way of saying
10:15-10:45am Got my epidural. Funny note on the epidrual ( that's not something you hear every day). Before the anesthesiologist came in, my nurse warned me that he was not very talkative but the best anesthesiologist there. ArJay's second cousin was a nurse next door and also came in to warn me not to be offended if he didn't talk much, she'd nicknamed him "Mr. Congeniality" but was awesome at him job. He came in and sure enough got right to business and only talked to me in medical terms, no chit chat. Well as he's putting it in and I made a face and squeezed ArJay's hand ArJay says" hey your hair still looks really great babe, you should take pictures". The anesthesiologist just looks up at ArJay a gives him a thumbs up and says " good answer" . It was the only thing he said not epidural related for the 30 minutes he was in there.
11:30 am I have gone all numb and had my catheter and everything so the nurse goes to check me. Another funny side note: my nurse had a nursing student there shadowing her. The poor student was so worried, she sprayed the cold spray up my leg to see where I felt it and you would have thought she was performing heart surgery. I was like honey, I can't feel any of that no need to be delicate. Pus she was watching all kinds of stuff that I would have been super embarrassed about the first baby, I guess there's no shame by #3 huh? Anyways, I am at a 5, 90%, and negative 1 station. That's how far the baby's head is down, next is zero but you need to be at plus 1 or 2 to push, this is important to note for later.
Noon I call the nurse back in because I am starting to feel lots of back pressure . She checks I am at a 7
12:05 in the few minutes it takes her to collect the paper printout and tell the student what she's doing, I start feel EXTREME pressure by my pubic bone and start getting the shakes. She checks again and I'm a 9. Literally in 5 minutes from 7 to 9. But I'm still at negative one.
12:10 she checks again, I'm a 10 but still negative one. She has me try to push, but he's not moving, so she says I'm going to have to labor down. Awesome.
12:10-12:50 It's all kinda a blur. Horrible pain by my pubic bone because I am at a 10 and want to push with every contraction but it's not doing anything so I don't and just ride them out. really glad I had the epidural, because I can't even imagine what kind of pain that would have been without it.
1 pm my doctor comes and says I'm plus one, let's start pushing. Turns out he was face up ( they are supposed to be face down) and stuck behind my pubic bone( hence the reason he wasn't coming down) and his heart rate was dropping so she used the vacuum just a little to move him down, then took it off and let me push him out myself. His heart rate had dropped because he had his umbilical cord wrapped around his shoulder. Apparently, he didn't get teh memo of how to be born, he did everything opposite.
1:08 pm Bryson McCormick Gamble is born weighing 8 lb 6 oz and 20 inches long. HE is the same size that Kendall was, except he was 2 days early and Kendall was 2 days late. He has a TON of black hair, which is crazy to us since both our other babies were bald and Alianna is a blond and Kendall is a true redhead. He actually looks like ArJay, neither of the other kids did. Arjay jokes that at least he's sure this one is his. He took right to nursing and seriously probably nursed for the first hour of his life. Poor ArJay didn't get to hold him until he was an hour and a half.
Because I was GBS positive we had to stay in the hospital for 48 hours. Probably would have been ok with that with baby #1, but by #3 I was ready to just go home and stop getting woken up to check vitals and everything. Even the nurses kept coming in to give me the " advice" they have to give to leave and saying, "I'm sure you know this" and " If you haven't figured this out by now"
The other funny thing was I had just pushed the button for my medicine to shoot thru my epidural right before I started pushing, so it took a LONG time to wear off after he was born. They had to manhandle me into the wheelchair to go upstairs and manhandle me back out into the bed upstairs because me legs were useless. The funny part was that my tiny little nurse was trying to pick me up when she probably weighed 100 lbs soaking wet and don't. Especially since I just had a baby. ArJay kinda had to push her out of the way upstairs and pick me up to put me in bed upstairs so I didn't get dropped. Nothing like seeing the strain on a spouse's face to make you for as big as an elephant:)
SO far, he has been my easiest baby. He only wakes up twice a night to eat and loves to snuggle. The four of us( ArJay, Alianna, Kendall, and I) are usually fighting over who gets to hold. him.
11pm FINALLY finish the questions and get the first dose of Cytotek. It's a little drink that just tastes like water but is supposed to make you crampy and dilate more throughout the night so I could start the pitocin in the morning. Oh and you take it every 2 hours. Lovely. Doesn't that sound like how I want to spend the night before giving birth? I did it with Kendall, so I knew what was coming and asked for the ambien to get some sleep.
11:30 pm my sweet British nurse finally leaves after checking me and says I'm still at a "loose 3 and 50-60% effaced" Side note: she was really cute and said things really funny " I'm going to just pop this on" and asked if I had taken my "VIT-a-MENs" but she was not so gentle. Arjay and I nicknamed her "knuckles".
1am and 3 am woken up to take the doses and contracted for half an hour after each dose before going back to sleep.
4;30am woke up and was not going back to sleep. Laid there in the dark and had a profound moment of calm that everything would be fine and how blessed I was to go thru labor again. Sounds like I needed a one way ticket to crazy town, but honestly I had been so miserable and had a hard pregnancy that I just thought" geez I don't have to be pregnant tonight when I try to sleep. Wahoo!" Also it hit me that you really only get to do this whole labor and birth thing a couple times in your entire life and some women never do and how blessed I was to get to give birth to my son.
5:30am Nurse comes in and starts my IV. I seriously hate that part, I had hypothryoidism in high school and have had my blood drawn more times than I can count, but I've only had IV's the 3 times I've had a baby and it seriously wigs me out.I sit there and do deep breathing and give my poor nurses death stares as they do it.
6 am She starts my pitocin after checking my and saying i'm "almost a 4 but more effaced" Do the nurses seriously think we don't know when they are just making crap up to make you feel better when the honest truth would be " nothing changed" ;)
7:30 am my sweet doctor comes in to break my water. I have been having very regular contractions but when she checks she just says loose 4. I love Dr Hutchison, she and I have bonded over running. She actually signed up for a half marathon after I told her I was still running when pregnant ( at least she told me that why she did it and I like to imagine I am capable of inspiring people). So she sits there and talks to me for a few minutes because we're friends like that and says that her husband has a sick patient and they might not get to leave for their 2 week vacation the next day. LAME! That is the reason I was there to be induced. Of course I was sorry for her, but also for me. ( she did end up going luckily and I didn't feel like I got induced for nothing)
8 am My new nurse ( who is super peppy and we later discovered was in fact a cheerleader) sees very regular contractions and asks if I would like an epidural. I said I don't know, can I be on the tentative list. It was a very busy morning so she got us at the top of the list right after the c section.
8-10am She keeps coming and asking if I want the epidural and I keep pushing it back and letting other women get jump ahead of me even though I'm starting to have super painful contractions. She was awesome and sat down and was like" ok do you think you really want one or not? Because if you're going to have one then you shouldn't put yourself thru any more pain because you're going to make it stop anyways. If not, that's great but we need to get you up and doing things." And my dear husband who knows me so well says" You're not being a wimp if you get one. I know you think you are, but you're not. Everyone does labor how they need to do it." See I've had it in my head somehow that I was not as much of a woman, or not strong enough, or something if I didn't do a labor without an epidural. The problem is, we mommies get together and always have to swap "war stories" as I call them and sometimes I feel like "geez she is way stronger then me, I'm such a pansy, why didn't I do that". But I remember having this discussion with one friend who said " the pioneers had babies out on the plains" But I thought "well that's why I wasn't a pioneer, the Lord only gives you what you can handle and so he put me in the modern medicine time." She waxed poetic for a while about how if they could do it we could too and if we didn't we were just vain and selfish. To that I said" they also didn't have electricity, but don't you think if they had an option to make life and labor easier on themselves they would have?" See the truth, I've come to realize, is that you don't get higher level "Mommy badges" based on how long or painful or how much pain meds you use. In the end, we all get the same "badge", a beautiful baby. Going thru labor is really the perfect start for being a mom, you do what it best for you and your kids. It might not be what works for other moms and you might shudder at the thought of how they do it, but you just do the best you can and the Lord makes up the difference. All that is just my opinionated way of saying
10:15-10:45am Got my epidural. Funny note on the epidrual ( that's not something you hear every day). Before the anesthesiologist came in, my nurse warned me that he was not very talkative but the best anesthesiologist there. ArJay's second cousin was a nurse next door and also came in to warn me not to be offended if he didn't talk much, she'd nicknamed him "Mr. Congeniality" but was awesome at him job. He came in and sure enough got right to business and only talked to me in medical terms, no chit chat. Well as he's putting it in and I made a face and squeezed ArJay's hand ArJay says" hey your hair still looks really great babe, you should take pictures". The anesthesiologist just looks up at ArJay a gives him a thumbs up and says " good answer" . It was the only thing he said not epidural related for the 30 minutes he was in there.
11:30 am I have gone all numb and had my catheter and everything so the nurse goes to check me. Another funny side note: my nurse had a nursing student there shadowing her. The poor student was so worried, she sprayed the cold spray up my leg to see where I felt it and you would have thought she was performing heart surgery. I was like honey, I can't feel any of that no need to be delicate. Pus she was watching all kinds of stuff that I would have been super embarrassed about the first baby, I guess there's no shame by #3 huh? Anyways, I am at a 5, 90%, and negative 1 station. That's how far the baby's head is down, next is zero but you need to be at plus 1 or 2 to push, this is important to note for later.
Noon I call the nurse back in because I am starting to feel lots of back pressure . She checks I am at a 7
12:05 in the few minutes it takes her to collect the paper printout and tell the student what she's doing, I start feel EXTREME pressure by my pubic bone and start getting the shakes. She checks again and I'm a 9. Literally in 5 minutes from 7 to 9. But I'm still at negative one.
12:10 she checks again, I'm a 10 but still negative one. She has me try to push, but he's not moving, so she says I'm going to have to labor down. Awesome.
12:10-12:50 It's all kinda a blur. Horrible pain by my pubic bone because I am at a 10 and want to push with every contraction but it's not doing anything so I don't and just ride them out. really glad I had the epidural, because I can't even imagine what kind of pain that would have been without it.
1 pm my doctor comes and says I'm plus one, let's start pushing. Turns out he was face up ( they are supposed to be face down) and stuck behind my pubic bone( hence the reason he wasn't coming down) and his heart rate was dropping so she used the vacuum just a little to move him down, then took it off and let me push him out myself. His heart rate had dropped because he had his umbilical cord wrapped around his shoulder. Apparently, he didn't get teh memo of how to be born, he did everything opposite.
1:08 pm Bryson McCormick Gamble is born weighing 8 lb 6 oz and 20 inches long. HE is the same size that Kendall was, except he was 2 days early and Kendall was 2 days late. He has a TON of black hair, which is crazy to us since both our other babies were bald and Alianna is a blond and Kendall is a true redhead. He actually looks like ArJay, neither of the other kids did. Arjay jokes that at least he's sure this one is his. He took right to nursing and seriously probably nursed for the first hour of his life. Poor ArJay didn't get to hold him until he was an hour and a half.
Because I was GBS positive we had to stay in the hospital for 48 hours. Probably would have been ok with that with baby #1, but by #3 I was ready to just go home and stop getting woken up to check vitals and everything. Even the nurses kept coming in to give me the " advice" they have to give to leave and saying, "I'm sure you know this" and " If you haven't figured this out by now"
The other funny thing was I had just pushed the button for my medicine to shoot thru my epidural right before I started pushing, so it took a LONG time to wear off after he was born. They had to manhandle me into the wheelchair to go upstairs and manhandle me back out into the bed upstairs because me legs were useless. The funny part was that my tiny little nurse was trying to pick me up when she probably weighed 100 lbs soaking wet and don't. Especially since I just had a baby. ArJay kinda had to push her out of the way upstairs and pick me up to put me in bed upstairs so I didn't get dropped. Nothing like seeing the strain on a spouse's face to make you for as big as an elephant:)
SO far, he has been my easiest baby. He only wakes up twice a night to eat and loves to snuggle. The four of us( ArJay, Alianna, Kendall, and I) are usually fighting over who gets to hold. him.
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It looks like he's saying " i'm watching you" |
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See the bump on his head, that's from being stuck on my pelvic bone |
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HE was a little cold so he had to lay under the warmer, he thought that was heaven |
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The warmer, ArJay said he was in his first tanning bed |
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ON their way to see us |
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Seeing him for the first time |
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seriously mom, I've already burped |
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holding him for the first time |
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Kendall's turn |
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kisses |
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smothered with love |
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loves! |
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Uncle Mitch's turn |
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Proud Grandpa |
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Kendall's present for becoming the big brother |
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Alianna's present for being the big sister again |
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Ah technology, sending him the pics at birth |
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Mother and Son |
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"popa"( ArJay's dad) turn to hold him |
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Grandma's turn |
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Family of 5! |
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Seriously so much hair, 24 hours old and sporting a mohawk |
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We are a happy family. |
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